Traditionally, the primary role of Human Resources (HR) was to handle the hiring and firing of employees. HR is also responsible for keeping organizations compliant with employment law, handling employee disputes, and more. 

Not every business has the financial resources to hire have their own human resources department, however. That’s where HR 360 enters the equation. HR 360 is essentially a human resources department at your fingertips, providing a range of HR tools, forms, and guidance to keep your cannabis business compliant with employment law.

HR 360 Benefits for Cannabis Businesses

HR is an essential aspect of any organization – no matter your industry – allowing you to manage your greatest resource: your employees. 

The HR 360 HR library features the most current benefits information, guidelines, downloadable HR forms, posters, and checklists currently available. With HR 360, it’s easier than ever to keep your dispensary compliant without running afoul of the law.


HR 360 is an all-in-one HR solution that gives you everything you need in a single platform. It provides the same type of guidance you would get from an HR lawyer, but for a fraction of the price. 

Let’s look at a few features offered by the platform:

Online Human Resources Tools

Total compensation statement, online job description builder, and salary benchmarking; virtually all of the tools you will need to run a successful HR department without having to hire a professional to do it for you.

Downloadable Forms, Policies, and Checklists

Running a dispensary that’s compliant with the law requires hundreds of forms ranging from insurance policies to contracts. HR 360 provides thousands of checklists, sample policies, and even a sample employee handbook that can be downloaded and customized; precisely what you would expect from an in-house HR department.

State HR and Benefits Information

No matter where you’re based in the country, HR 360 offers state-by-state information that pertain to minimum wage, the continuation of benefits, and more.

Wrap SPD Generator

In addition to the HR library, you’ll also be given access to the Wrap SPD generator. This generator provides essential disclosure documents that will help you pass any audits you may undergo by the Department of Labor. One of the best parts of the Wrap SPD generator is that it isn’t just easy to use, but highly economical.

Federal HR and Benefits Compliance

Having trouble understanding the complicated language of major federal employment laws such as USERRA, FMLA, and COBRA? HR 360 breaks it down to you in easy to consume information that will clear up all of your confusion.

Fast Answers to HR and Benefits Questions

Do you have any HR-related questions? Access the HR 360 FAQ to find many commonly asked HR questions to see if you can find the answers you’re seeking with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Hiring/Termination Process

The hiring process is just as crucial as the termination process from a legal standpoint. If you have a hiring manager, it will behoove them to read the information found in HR 360’s extensive library to help them keep compliant with employment law.

Customizable PDF Tools

We’ve touched on these briefly, but HR 360’s customizable PDF tools include a variety of resources designed to keep you compliant with the law that includes checklists, whitepapers, and ebooks. 

You’ll get all of these tools directly to your inbox, allowing you to focus on running your business without adding extra worries to your plate.

Partner With Us!

One of the benefits of partnering with Cannabis Connect Insurance is that you’ll have access to HR 360’s attorney-developed HR library 24/7. That means you can access all of the information you need to keep your dispensary compliant with employment law at any time of the day.

Get a Quote

While HR is essential, you also need to protect your dispensary with specialized insurance. Cannabis Connect specializes in helping dispensary owners build comprehensive insurance packages perfectly tailored to meet their specific needs. Contact our team of specialists today for a free quote.