Mar 2, 2023 | Business Insurance, Workplace Safety
MORE COMPANIES with fleets and commercial drivers are turning to technology to prevent their workers from using their phones while driving. And lately, insurers have started partnering with tech companies to offer these technologies to their commercial auto clients....
Feb 12, 2023 | Business Insurance, Workplace Safety
IN THE WANING days of 2022, Congress passed a bipartisan $1.7-trillion spending bill that includes legislation that expands rights for pregnant and nursing employees. The budget bill, which President Biden has signed into law, included the Pregnant Workers Fair Act...
Sep 22, 2022 | Business Insurance, Workplace Safety
THE Cal/OSHA Standards Board is set to vote on a permanent COVID-19 workplace safety standard on Sept. 15, that would take effect at the start of 2023. The permanent standard will replace the temporary emergency standard that took effect in 2020 after the pandemic...
Mar 14, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Workplace Safety
IF YOU have staff working from home as a result of changes wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, you still need to stay on top of your obligations to protect all of your workers from sexual harassment. Not being physically in the office doesn’t seem to have had an effect...
Dec 20, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Employement Practices, Workplace Safety
CAL/OSHA has taken the first step towards creating a semipermanent COVID-19 standard to replace the emergency temporary standard that currently governs workplace coronavirus prevention measures in the state. On Sept. 17, Cal/OSHA released a discussion draft for...
Oct 18, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Workplace Safety
THE BIDEN administration has announced plans to mandate businesses with 100 or more employees to require their workers to be vaccinated for COVID-19 or be tested for the coronavirus on a weekly basis. The order is part of a sweeping six-part “Path Out of the Pandemic”...