Oct 10, 2024 | Business Insurance, Workers’ Compensation
Audits are how insurance rates are determined, and it’s possible that an audit will uncover information that can actually save you money — or not if you’ve hired additional staff and haven’t notified your insurer. In any case, it pays to be prepared, and you can do so...
Aug 20, 2023 | Business Insurance, Risk Management, Workers’ Compensation
OSHA ENCOURAGES employers to investigate all accidents in which a worker was hurt, as well as close calls — sometimes called “near misses” — in which an individual might have been injured if the circumstances had been slightly different. The agency suggests using the...
Mar 27, 2023 | Business Insurance, Workers’ Compensation
DESPITE THE Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau recommending that benchmark rates in California be increased in the last two years, rates that insurance companies are charging continue falling. The California Department of Insurance in fact rejected the...
Dec 11, 2022 | Business Insurance, Workers’ Compensation
THE DIVISION of Workers’ Compensation diligently polices compliance with California law that requires all employers, no matter how small, to cover their employees with a workers’ comp policy. Many small business owners make the mistake of not securing a policy after...
Nov 14, 2022 | Business Insurance, Workers’ Compensation
A RECENT STUDY has found that injured workers are often left feeling frustrated and fending for themselves after they file a workers’ compensation claim. The survey of injured workers by researchers at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada found that workers...
Sep 30, 2022 | Business Insurance, Workers’ Compensation
ALTHOUGH WE are in a low workers’ compensation rate environment, eventually the market will turn and rateswill start to rise. While you may not feel much urgency now if you have a few claims, once rates turn, those claims could become more magnified and start...