Jun 14, 2023 | Uncategorized
WORKERS’ COMPENSATION insurance can be a large cost center for a business, and if your employees are regularly injured on the job those costs can quickly become a financial burden, even in this period of low rates. Companies in industries with high rates of workplace...
May 12, 2023 | Business Interruption, Uncategorized
CARGO THEFT is on the rise and criminals are using new techniques to dupe their targets, forcing fleet managers and trucking firms i to double down on prevention efforts. The Major Theft Unit in the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division estimates that cargo theft...
Feb 19, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Uncategorized
AT THE START of every year, it’s important that businesses take stock of developments in the 12 months prior that may require adjustments to their insurance policies. A number of events should prompt you to meet with us to see if you should increase your coverage....
Jan 30, 2023 | Business Insurance, Uncategorized
SO, YOU have a workers’ comp claim that’s been growing in terms of costs for the last two years, and finally it has closed. You’ve been fretting about its impact on your experience modification factor (X-Mod), so now that it’s closed, what happens? Under the Closed...
Jan 22, 2023 | Business Insurance, Uncategorized
EVERY YEAR, OSHA cites thousands of companies for violating workplace safety regulations, but there are some standards that are cited much more than others. To educate employers on workplace dangers, the industrial safety agency publishes a list of its top 10...
Nov 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
EMPLOYEES ARE your most valuable assets, but many businesses overlook the importance of having a workplace safety program in place to protect them. Loss control is about employers caring for their workers’ safety. Successful loss control programs are means of reducing...