May 22, 2020 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, California Insurance, CBD Insurance, Hemp Insurance
OVER THE years, electrically powered farm equipment has become an indispensable element of modern farming. But every year about 100 farm workers are electrocuted on the job. A better understanding of the principles, uses and hazards associated with electricity could...
Mar 10, 2020 | Business Insurance, Hemp Insurance
THE U.S. Department of Agriculturehas launched the Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Pilot Program for hemp producers, and has also opened up the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program for hemp growers. The MPCI pilot insurance program will be available to farmers in 21...
Nov 7, 2019 | Business Insurance, Hemp Insurance
It is important to note that every business in the chain of custody (cultivation, processing, manufacturing, distributing, wholesalers and retailers alike) are responsible for product tampering and tracking. Below are some forms that may be found on a general...
Jul 25, 2019 | Hemp Insurance
Hemp is on track to become one of the biggest cash crops in the United States. With the latest changes in the 2018 Farm Bill, numerous industries are clamoring to jump at this exciting new opportunity. With that being said, hemp is still considered to be a risky...