Jun 15, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Employement Practices
THE OCCUPATIONAL Safety and Health Administration has revived a regulation that would change which employers have to file their injury and illness logs electronically, inparticular increasing reporting requirements for companies in high-hazard industries. The proposed...
May 5, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Employement Practices, Workers’ Compensation
AS IDENTITY theft continues growing, one of the main treasure troves that criminals covet is employee data. After all, it typically contains your staff’s personally identifiable information and other information that should not fall into nefarious hands. This kind of...
Apr 30, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Employement Practices, Workers’ Compensation
MORE EMPLOYERS are using return-to-work programs for injured workers even if they were not injured on the job, according to a study by Prudential Insurance Co. of America. Many employers have a return-to-work program for their injured employees because it cuts down on...
Mar 31, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Employement Practices
YOUR WORKERS’ underlying health can greatly affect the amount of time they are off the job recovering from a workplace injury. A new study has found that workers with pre-existing issues like hypertension, obesity and mental health spend 60% more time recovering from...
Feb 28, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Employement Practices
EVERY YEAR starts with a flurry of new laws and regulations that California employers have to contend with. This year is no different as the California legislature had a busy year and the stresses of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in more activity. The end result is...
Jan 30, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Employement Practices
BY NOW, ALL employers should realize and understand that sexual harassment is illegal. Employers are directly responsible for employee behavior, which gives harassed workers recourse in bringing legal actions against those that employ them. According to the Equal...