Aug 3, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
MANY COMPANIES contract out certain parts of their work functions to either temporary staff or independent contractors but, if someone is working for your company full time for an extended period, the question arises of when that person ought to be considered a...
Jun 20, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Interruption, Business Operations
AMERICA’S WORKERS are more stressed than ever coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, and an increasing number of people are also struggling with mental health issues. When someone is battling addiction or has mental health issues, it affects all aspects of their life,...
Jun 3, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
CAL/OSHA HAS proposed its long-awaited indoor heat illness prevention standard as increasingly hot summers are affecting workers in indoor spaces like warehouses, production operations, restaurants and more. The proposed standard, largely based on the state agency’s...
May 4, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
THE U.S. Department of Labor recently issued new guidance on the federal Family Medical Leave Act that has upended the notion of what qualifies as leave under the statute. Its Wage and Hour Division in February issued a guidance letter noting that employees with a...
Apr 25, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
A U.S. COURT of appeals has struck down a landmark California law that prohibits employers from requiring their workers to sign agreements to arbitrate any disputes arising from their employment. The ruling clears the way for employers to continue using arbitration...
Apr 13, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
ONE OF the keys to having your insurance claims paid promptly is to file them in a timely manner. Virtually all commercial insurance policies – from liability and workers’ compensation to property – require that a notice of claims be filed within a certain amount of...