May 2, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
THE COSTS to businesses when their employees are involved in car accidents on and off the job are staggering, at $72.2 billion a year, according to a new study. The “Cost of Vehicle Crashes to Employers – 2019” study, released in March by the Network for...
Apr 27, 2021 | Business Operations
ONE OF an employer’s biggest shocks is to find out that a workplace incident aggravated a pre-existing injury that was sustained at the worker’s prior job. Fortunately, there are steps you can take if you don’t want to inherit a claim that someone incurred at another...
Apr 21, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
OSHA RECENTLY updated its COVID-19 safety guidance to recommend that employees who have been vaccinated should continue wearing face masks, social distance and comply with any other COVID-19 safety protocols while on the job. That means that the same workplace...
Apr 15, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
COVID-19 WORKERS’ compensation claims have not been as widespread as insurers and ratings agencies around the country had predicted when the pandemic started exploding in early 2020. Also, a large chunk of COVID-19 workers’ compensation claims filed by workers...
Apr 9, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
CYBER INSURANCE rates are going to increase dramatically in 2021, driven by more frequent and more severe insured losses, according to a recent industry study. The report by global insurance firm Aon plc predicted that rates would jump by 20% to 50% this year due to...