Jun 14, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
PRESIDENT BIDEN’S Labor Department has rescinded a Trump-era rule that would have made it easier for businesses to classify workers as independent contractors instead of employees under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. In the last month of the Trump...
Jun 5, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
THE WORKERS’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California has recommended that benchmark workers’ comp rates be increased by an average of 2.7%, for policies incepting on or after Sept. 1. The recommendation has been sent to Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara,...
May 30, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
THE RECENTLY enacted American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 includes a 100% COBRA subsidy for up to six months through Sept. 30 for employees laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the short ramping up period, it’s imperative that employers who have laid off workers,...
May 22, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
WHILE BIG-TICKET and dramatic workers’ comp claims make headlines, the reality is that the more run-of-the-mill injuries are the ones that end up costing employers the most. That is especially true for slips, trips and falls and related injuries, which can often turn...
May 18, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
THE MAJORITY of employee thefts are occurring in organizations with 500 employees or less and the median loss is $357,650, according to a report by Hiscox, a specialty insurer. The main types of crime are outright theft of cash and check fraud, with rogue employees...