Sep 30, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
AFTER A CONTINUOUS decline in COVID-19 workers’ compensation claims in California, the number of claims soared nearly 300% from June to July, according to new data. In July, 2,581 workers filed workers’ comp claims for contracting COVID-19 on the job, up 282% from 676...
Sep 23, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
DESPITE A LAW requiring that Cal/OSHA create indoor heat illness regulations by 2019, no regulations are yet on the books, making for a difficult situation as many parts of California are experiencing some of the highest temperatures on record. The workplace safety...
Sep 16, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
MORE BUSINESSES in wildfireprone areas are facing a difficult commercial property insurance market as insurers reduce their exposure and some have left the market altogether. Many businesses in areas that have already been ravaged by fires in the past, or those...
Sep 12, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
HEMP, CBD, THC-cannabis and psilocybin compliance consulting firm Allay have entered into a first-of-itskind partnership with Cannabis Connect Insurance to offer discounted rates to cannabis companies working with Allay to gain critical safety certifications. “In all...
Sep 10, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
THE STATE of California has launched a new initiative aimed at helping employers set up on-site COVID-19 vaccination clinics for their employees. As vaccine uptake starts to slow down while more employees return to work, employers have been wrestling with how to get...