Nov 18, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Employement Practices
WITH CONFRONTATIONS between angry customers and employees increasing during the COVID-19 pandemic, employers need to have policies in place to protect workers who are confronted. Many customer-facing companies – retailers, restaurants, etc. – have seen an uptick in...
Nov 12, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Interruption, Business Operations
AS THE COVID-19 pandemic drags on globally, supply chain disruptions continue to worsen. Most main U.S. ports are logjammed with vessels waiting more than two weeks to load and unload, while a shortage of truckers means containers are piling up at port facilities. On...
Oct 23, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
ONE OF the best ways to avoid workplace injuries is through regular housekeeping and tidying up. Though businesses are not required to have written housekeeping procedures, keeping a tidy and organized workplace makes the job of safety compliance easier. Your written...
Oct 18, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Workplace Safety
THE BIDEN administration has announced plans to mandate businesses with 100 or more employees to require their workers to be vaccinated for COVID-19 or be tested for the coronavirus on a weekly basis. The order is part of a sweeping six-part “Path Out of the Pandemic”...
Oct 7, 2021 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Workers’ Compensation
MANY COMPANIES are often taken off guard when their workers’ comp X-Mod shoots up after a merger or acquisition. The experience modifier spike is usually the result of the other employer having a less than stellar workplace safety record and high workers’ comp claims...