Aug 15, 2022 | Business Insurance, Employement Practices
IT ALWAYS takes more time than usual to onboard new hires to your employee benefits plans, particularly for those who are starting their first jobs. Keep in mind that the ritual of choosing a benefits package is a brand-new experience for people who are new to the...
Aug 7, 2022 | Business Insurance, Workers’ Compensation
MANY SMALL business owners make the mistake of not securing workers’ compensation insurance after they hire their first employee. Some mistakenly believe they need at least five employees before they must secure coverage. But in California there is no minimum andif...
Jul 30, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Interruption, Business Operations
THERE IS no set formula regarding how much liability insurance a business needs. However, the more coverage you have, the more bulletproof your business becomes. If you are running a thriving firm, you will probably want minimal disruption if an incident occurs in...
Jul 24, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Workers’ Compensation
ONE OF the keys to keeping the costs of a workers’ compensation claim from spiraling out of control is prompt claims reporting. Claims are routinely filed late, either by the injured worker who fails to report it to the employer, or the employer dawdling or...
Jul 16, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Compliance Reminder
WORKPLACE BULLYING is on the increase, and it constitutes a major risk to companies that fail to take action. If you learn of a bully in your ranks, you need to take immediate steps to mount a serious investigation and take action if the accusations turn out to be...