Sep 22, 2022 | Business Insurance, Workplace Safety
THE Cal/OSHA Standards Board is set to vote on a permanent COVID-19 workplace safety standard on Sept. 15, that would take effect at the start of 2023. The permanent standard will replace the temporary emergency standard that took effect in 2020 after the pandemic...
Sep 13, 2022 | Business Insurance, Employement Practices
CALIFORNIA’S PAID Family Leave program allows California workers to take paid leave to bond with a new child (through birth, adoption or foster care) or to care for a seriously ill family member. While it’s great for the employee, that can sometimes leave the employer...
Sep 5, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
INFLATION IS not just affecting the cost of food and fuel. It’s also spilled over to the price of almost every industrial item, as well as building materials and services. Anybody running a business, particularly one that carries inventories or has to invest in...
Aug 31, 2022 | Business Insurance
EMPLOYERS ARE increasingly turning to voluntary benefits to personalize their benefit offerings, support their employees’ overall well-being, and attract and retain talent. Nearly half of 320 large employers polled by Willis Towers Watson said they expect voluntary...
Aug 26, 2022 | Business Insurance, Risk Management
BUSINESSES ARE faced with increasing threats from cyber criminals who are constantly working to devise new ways to infiltrate organizations’ databases and extract information or find some way to monetize their hacks, like in the case of ransomware. Cyber insurance can...