Oct 27, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
A NEW STUDY has proven something that most health experts have suspected all along: having poor sleep habits significantly increases one’s risk for developing cardiovascular and other health problems. Activities that would constitute bad sleep habits include: Getting...
Oct 24, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
IF YOUR employees are communicating with each other and clients via texting or instant messaging using their own phones, should you ever need access to those communications you could be in a for a rude surprise. While the immediacy of texting and instant messaging is...
Oct 17, 2022 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
IF YOU OWN your business and have employees, you are likely exempt from having to cover yourself under your workers’ compensation policy in California. But what if you have multiple owners? There are rules promulgated by state law that set out the parameters for when...
Oct 17, 2022 | Business Insurance, Employment Legislation
GOVERNOR GAVIN Newsom has signed into law legislation that would bar employers from discriminating against employees and job applicants who use cannabis on their time off. The law amends the California Fair Employment and Housing Act to prohibit discrimination against...
Sep 30, 2022 | Business Insurance, Workers’ Compensation
ALTHOUGH WE are in a low workers’ compensation rate environment, eventually the market will turn and rateswill start to rise. While you may not feel much urgency now if you have a few claims, once rates turn, those claims could become more magnified and start...