Jan 22, 2023 | Business Insurance, Uncategorized
EVERY YEAR, OSHA cites thousands of companies for violating workplace safety regulations, but there are some standards that are cited much more than others. To educate employers on workplace dangers, the industrial safety agency publishes a list of its top 10...
Jan 11, 2023 | Business Insurance, Risk Management
ASLEW OF new laws and regulations that will affect California businesses are taking effect for 2023. Last year was a busy one, with ground-breaking new laws on employee pay disclosures, a law prohibiting discrimination against cannabis-using employees and another...
Dec 31, 2022 | Business Insurance
IN THE course of doing business, you may sometimes find yourself entering into contracts requiring that your business be named as an additional insured on another party’s insurance policies. This is often done to make sure that your own insurance is not depleted by...
Dec 19, 2022 | Business Insurance, Employement Practices
AS THE holiday season nears, your business will have new safety considerations to confront. From holiday parties and risk of electrical shock to fires and trips and falls, companies have a set of safety and risk management challenges that may not be present during...
Dec 11, 2022 | Business Insurance, Workers’ Compensation
THE DIVISION of Workers’ Compensation diligently polices compliance with California law that requires all employers, no matter how small, to cover their employees with a workers’ comp policy. Many small business owners make the mistake of not securing a policy after...