Feb 26, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Interruption, Risk Management
THE YEAR 2022 was one of the most tumultuous climate disaster years in history, in which we saw the massively destructive Hurricane Ian, an unprecedent number of tornadoes, growing wildfires in the West and a “bomb cyclone” in late December. And the increasing number...
Feb 19, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Uncategorized
AT THE START of every year, it’s important that businesses take stock of developments in the 12 months prior that may require adjustments to their insurance policies. A number of events should prompt you to meet with us to see if you should increase your coverage....
Feb 12, 2023 | Business Insurance, Workplace Safety
IN THE WANING days of 2022, Congress passed a bipartisan $1.7-trillion spending bill that includes legislation that expands rights for pregnant and nursing employees. The budget bill, which President Biden has signed into law, included the Pregnant Workers Fair Act...
Feb 1, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Risk Management
A NEW REPORT found that one-third of companies who are hit with ransomware and pay the hackers to unlock their systems, are often likely to be targeted a second time. And after they pay, they can still face significant reverberations, including system rebuilding...
Jan 30, 2023 | Business Insurance, Uncategorized
SO, YOU have a workers’ comp claim that’s been growing in terms of costs for the last two years, and finally it has closed. You’ve been fretting about its impact on your experience modification factor (X-Mod), so now that it’s closed, what happens? Under the Closed...