Sep 21, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Workplace Safety
SINCE THE COVID-19 pandemic, more employers are allowing their staff to work remotely on a permanent basis. This newfound freedom for American workers has allowed many of them to leave the cities they were living in for small towns or even more remote areas around the...
Sep 13, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations, Cyber Security
THE EQUAL Employment Opportunity Commission has issued new guidance on how employers can properly use software, algorithms and artificial intelligence-driven decision-making tools when screening job applicants and selecting candidates. The EEOC has grown concerned...
Sep 4, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Interruption
IMAGINE IT’S a typical hot July day. You own a 30,000-square-foot office building that is 85% occupied. And the air conditioning and ventilation systems stop working. The outside temperature is in the 100’s. It doesn’t take long before the tenants start to complain....
Aug 28, 2023 | Business Insurance, Commercial Property Isurance
WITH WILDFIRES growing in number and intensity and a difficult property insurance market, businesses that own properties in wildfire-prone areas need to do all they can to protect their facilities. Hardening a building against wildfires by using defensible space,...
Aug 20, 2023 | Business Insurance, Risk Management, Workers’ Compensation
OSHA ENCOURAGES employers to investigate all accidents in which a worker was hurt, as well as close calls — sometimes called “near misses” — in which an individual might have been injured if the circumstances had been slightly different. The agency suggests using the...