Dec 5, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
GOV. GAVIN Newsom has signed legislation that will increase the amount of paid sick leave days California workers are eligible for. The law, SB 616, will expand the minimum number of paid sick leave days that employers are required to provide to five days (40 hours)...
Nov 29, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
AMERICAN EMPLOYERS are trying to meet their workers’ mental health needs as they struggle with burnout and stress, according to a new report. The annual “Aflac WorkForces Report” found that more than 50% of American workers experience burnout in their workplace....
Nov 21, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Interruption, California Insurance
IT IS GOOD news that small businesses are thriving, with many of them enjoying growing sales over the last two years. The bad news is that their insurance protection has not kept pace, according to a recent report. That means an accidental loss could undo all the...
Nov 15, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
MICROSOFT TEAMS has issued a warning that cyber criminals are exploiting its Teams video-conferencing platform to launch phishing attacks that can debilitate companies that are victims of these actions. Hackers often abuse the Microsoft Teams platform to launch cyber...
Nov 3, 2023 | Business Insurance, Business Operations
UNDER A NEW law, starting in 2024 employers in California will no longer be allowed to ask a job applicant about past cannabis use. The legislation, SB 700, aims to protect workers from discrimination by barring employers from conducting pre-employment drug screenings...